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How to Get Rid of Snakes









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发表于 2014-8-26 22:22:52 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Get Rid of Snakes Step 7.jpg
Trim back vegetation. Snakes like to spend time in tall grass and bushes, so trimming these areas regularly will make your yard seem less enticing. Take these measures to make sure your yard isn't full of potential snake dens:

    Mow your lawn regularly. Tall grass and weeds is the perfect hiding place for snakes. They can move around freely without the risk of a predator, such as an owl or a hawk, noticing them.
    Store lumber and woodpiles at least 2 feet off the ground, and keep compost and mulch piles away from your house.
    Consider removing bushes and other tall vegetation that seems to be a regular habitat for snakes.

Get Rid of Snakes Step 8.jpg
Remove snakes' food sources. Snakes eat mice, crickets and other insects. If you take measures to keep the populations of these other creatures low, snakes will look elsewhere for food.

    Keep your yard free of birdseed, berries and nuts that have fallen from trees, and stray bits of waste from the compost pile. These are all food sources for mice and insects.
    Consider going further to remove mice and insects from your property by setting traps or using other removal methods. See How to Get Rid of Mice and How to Get Rid of Crickets for more ideas.

Get Rid of Snakes Step 9.jpg
Seal your house. Prevent snakes from entering your home by checking its foundation for cracks and holes. Make sure the doors and windows are sealed, too. Place screens on your chimney, vents, and other places where snakes might be able to get in.
Get Rid of Snakes Step 10.jpg
Try snake repellant. There are many snake repellents on the market, in addition to home remedies people employ to repel snakes, but snake removal experts seem to agree that none of them work.[5] If you'd like to try a snake repellant, consider the following options:

    A solution made from fox urine. Snake repellant made from the urine of a fox, its predator, can be sprayed around your property to deter snakes from spending time there.
    Rags soaked in ammonia. This repellant is said to deter many types of animals. Place ammonia-soaked rags in areas where you've seen snakes spending time.
    Human hair. Try sprinkling it around your garden or in other areas where you don't want to see snakes.

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