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发表于 2014-2-6 20:09:24 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


                              Before you can apply for a study permit, you must have beenaccepted at a recognized school, university or college in Canada.

You can find information on how to choose a school, college or university inthe Related Links section at the bottom of this page.

Who can apply

In most cases, you must obtain a study permit if you want to study in Canada.
To be eligible to study in Canada

    * You must have been accepted by a school, college, university orother educational institution in Canada.
    * You must prove that you have enough money to pay for your:
          o tuition fees
          o living expenses for yourself and anyfamily members who come with you to Canada and
          o return transportation for yourselfand any family members who come with you to Canada.
    * You must be a law-abiding citizen with no criminal record andnot be a risk to the security of Canada. You may have to provide a policecertificate.
    * You must be in good health and willing to complete a medicalexamination, if necessary.
    * You must satisfy an immigration officer that you will leaveCanada when you have completed your studies.
Documents needed to apply for a study permit

You need the following documents to apply for a study permit:

   1. Proof of acceptance
   2. Proof of identity
   3. Proof of financial support
   4. Letter of explanation

In addition to these documents, you may have to provide other information whenyou apply for a study permit. Check the website of the visa office responsiblefor your country or region for local requirements. You can find a list of visaoffices in the I Need To… section on the right-hand side of this page.

If you are not a citizen of the country where you submit your application, youmay have to provide proof of your present immigration status in the country whereyou apply.

If the government that issued your passport or travel document requires are-entry permit, you must obtain one before you apply for a Canadian visa.Other documents may also be required.
1. Proof of acceptance

If you plan to attend any school (primary or secondary), college, university orother educational institution in Canada, the school must complete and send youa letter of acceptance. You must include the original letter with your studypermit application. You can find a standard letter of acceptance in the RelatedLinks section at the bottom of this page.
Template of proof of acceptance:

2. Proof of identity

You must provide:

    * A valid passport or travel document for you and eachaccompanying family member. The passport or travel document must allow you toreturn to the country that issued it. Citizens and permanent residents of theUnited States, St. Pierre and Miquelon, and Greenland do not need a passport,but do need proof of status and citizenship, such as a national identity cardor an alien registration card.
    * Two recent passport-size photos of you and each accompanyingfamily member. The name and date of birth of the person should be written onthe back of each photo. You can find information on photo specifications in theRelated Links section at the bottom of this page.

3. Proof of financial support

You must prove that you can support yourself and the family members whoaccompany you while you are in Canada. You can prove that you have sufficientfunds to support yourself in Canada by showing some of the following:

    * proof of a Canadian bank account in your name if money has beentransferred to Canada;
    * your bank statements for the past four months;
    * a bank draft in convertible currency;
    * proof of payment of tuition and accommodation fees;
    * a letter from the person or institution providing you withmoney; and
    * proof of funding paid from within Canada if you have ascholarship or are in a Canadian-funded educational program.

The following table shows the minimum amounts that you will need.
Number of persons         All provinces
except Quebec         Quebec
Single student         Tuition plus $10,000 for a 12-monthperiod (or $833 per month)         Tuition plus $11,000 fora 12-month period (or $917 per month)
+ one family member         $4,000 for a 12-month period(or $333 per month)         

$5,100 more for a person 18 years of age or older for a 12-month period (or$425 per month)

$3,800 more for a person under 18 years of age for a 12-month period (or $317per month)
+ each additional family member         $3,000 for a12-month period per dependent child of any age (or $255 per month)        

$5,125 more for a person 18 years of age or older for a 12-month period (or$427 per month)

$1,903 more for a person under 18 years of age for a 12-month period (or $159per month)

If there are foreign-exchange control measures in your country, you mustprovide proof that the exchange control authorities will allow you to exportfunds for all of your expenses.
4. Letter of explanation

In some cases, you may wish to apply for a study permit even if you do not needone right away. There are benefits to having a study permit, even if you do notrequire one. If you have a valid study permit, you can:

    * work part time on campus at the college or university at whichyou are registered as a full-time student; and
    * apply to renew your study permit from within Canada, if youdecide to continue studying in Canada.

If you decide that you want to continue your studies in another program afteryou complete your short-term course or program, you must apply through a Canadianvisa office outside Canada for a study permit if you do not already have one.

If you are applying for a study permit even though you do not need one, youshould include a letter that explains why you are applying. The letter willinform the visa officer that you understand your options. For example, theletter might say:

“Dear Visa Officer,
I would like a study permit for my eight-week English course because I wouldlike to apply to a Canadian-university program after I finish the Englishcourse.”


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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-6 20:10:27 | 只看该作者
Study here:
Aston Business School - Birmingham



关于这个问题,如果你已经有了明确的意向那就最好不过,只要直接通过互联网等方式直接联系你所心仪的大学,向他们索取你所需要的课程介绍以及进一步申请资 料,收到这些资料之后你就可以按照学校的要求填写该校该课程的申请表格,同时附上学校需要你提供的个人文件,例如你的雅思、托福成绩,过往的学历证明,你 的老师或者雇主的推荐信等等,你所申请的大学会根据你个人以及申请课程的具体情况来处理你的申请要求,一旦你收到学校的入学通知书便可以进行下一步的护照 和签证申请了。

也许你对选择留学国家、大学、以及进修课程这个问题感到困惑,确实,面对林立的海外高等学府,面对众多的课程选择,往往会让人有眼花缭乱不知何从选择之 感。这个时候,你可以利用互联网浏览每间大学的网页助你做抉择,但是这很有可能会是一项极耗时间的工程,你也可以参考经验之人的建议,总之,方法很多。你 更可以点击本网页申请表格一栏,只要你准确填写该表格,让符合你个人情况和意向的海外高等学府得知你的求学意向并尽快同你直接联络,同时向你免费提供这些 大学和相关课程的介绍以及进一步的申请资料。这些资料不仅帮助你在筛选大学和课程的过程中缩小包围圈和加速申请进程,同样,一旦你从中决定了理想的学校, 便可以填写该校提供的申请资料同时附上学校需要你提供的个人文件马上向该校提出入学要求。




护照的申请表可以在公安局索取,此外,国家对公民出国留学的护照申请所需提供的个人文件有明确要求,比如照片、入学通知书、身份证和户口本、现时所在单位 或就读学校证明等等,同时,你还需要交付一定的申请护照费用,此外,如果你是大专院校的在读学生或毕业生,申请护照的时候你还需要附上教育局出示的证明, 请根据你个人的情况在你领取护照申请表的同时咨询相关要求规定。




一般来说,签证需要在离你所在地地理位置最近的前往留学国家的大使馆或领事馆的签证处办理,而且申请学生签证往往需要申请人前往签证处同签证官员面谈。不 同国家的签证办理程序细节不尽相同,申请表格可以通过浏览该国驻华大使馆或领事馆有关的网页下载,或者前往该国驻中国的大使馆和领事馆的签证处索取,无论 你是采用哪一种方式,都应该同时了解该国最新的有关签证的信息,以及签证过程中要求出示的个人资料,例如照片、入学通知书、中国护照、银行出具的存款证明 以证明你有足够资金支付留学期间学习和生活费用、以往的学历证明等等,有时签证官还需要你出示雅思或者托福等相关考试成绩,甚至还有可能需要你提供留学期 间的住宿文件(例如你同大学签订的宿舍租约等),当然,你还需交付一定的签证费,如果你是在职人员,往往还需要提供有薪水情况说明的工作证明及请假证明, 如果你获得所申请的国外大学的奖学金,你也需要出示相关证明。此外,你还应该清楚以上文件除了需要出示原件之外,还应该准备好复印本以便签证处留底。对 了,填表过程中,为防意外填错,你可以预先复印多几份备用。

至于具体你需要提供什么证明文件,是否需要同签证官面谈,是通过预约电话约好面谈时间还是通过邮寄进行申请,从递交申请到最后取得签证需要多少个工作日, 签证处对申请人还有什么特别要求,对这些问题,不同的申请国家和不同的申请个案的遭遇细节都不尽相同,但是,这些签证信息你都可以通过访问该国驻华大使馆 或领事馆的网页或者亲身前往领取申请资料的时候咨询获知。

签证面谈时,对签证官所提的问题,你需要给与简单而明确的答复。面谈的细节不尽相同,但总的来说,签证官员最需要知道的是你进入该国纯属读书目的,你明确 清楚自己的留学志向,留学期间有足够的经济能力支付学习和生活的费用,毕业后如期回国,没有移民倾向,往往,面谈过程中你还需要向签证官证明你有足够的外 语能力可以开展你的留学生活。



同时,你还需要向你所在地的外汇管理局申请外汇兑换。申请过程中所需要出示的证明文件包括单位出示的合法收入证明(注:如果费用由你家人赞助,此证明就需 要他们的单位出示),有有效签证的护照,经教育局认可的国外大学出示的学费证明和生活费用证明等等,一般来说,你可以申请兑换相当于海外第一年的学费和生 活费数额的外汇,但是国家对可以兑换的外汇数额有明文规定,有关国家规定以及申请外汇过程中需要出示的证明文件你可以从外汇管理局了解获知。办理好外汇申 请之后,你需要到指定的银行办理兑换手续,兑换之后你还可以通过银行直接办理汇钱手续,这可以是以旅行支票或者是自带汇票等方便安全的形式,为安全起见, 切记千万不要随身携带大量现金!最后很重要的一点,就是办理完兑换手续之后,别忘了在外汇管理局办理外汇携带证,离开中国海关的时候,这是你必备的重要文 件。


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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

 楼主| 发表于 2014-12-8 22:42:35 | 只看该作者
Top 5 reasons to study at a Canadian University for international students.

Canadian Universities are a hotbed of providing superb educational, social and an overall university experience. It is no secret that Canadian University degrees will open doors in the field of your choice while also being recognized as a valuable degree to have internationally.


The Top 5 reasons to choose Canada as your study destination:

    Work Experience: Placement experiences, on- and off-campus work permits and co-op opportunities allow international students to integrate their academic studies with practical experience. Through these avenues, students gain marketable skills, network with future employers and earn a salary at the same time. Unique to Canada is the ability for international students to stay and work here for three years following graduation and then apply for citizenship.
    Immigration Possibilities: It’s no secret that Canada is the second largest country in the world totalling 9,984,670 km². The UK fits into Canada approximately 40 times! With that much land and only 34 million people, we’re a country that welcomes new immigrants. The Canadian Experience Class makes it easier for international students to apply for permanent resident status once they have  graduated from a university and have one year of work experience.
    Cost of Living & Tuition: Canada is known for high quality, low-cost education. Our tuition rates for international students are lower than many other countries, including the United States and the United Kingdom. Cost of living  is considerably less in Canada than the UK and Europe.
    Friendliness & Diversity: Over the past 100 years, more than 13 million immigrants have come to Canada to start a new life. This makes Canada one of the world’s most ethnically diverse countries. Canada’s cultural mosaic is evident in the variety of restaurants and grocery stores, religious places of worship, and festivals throughout the year.
    Safety: Canada is a friendly, safe country with a high standard of living. Canada ranked #4 amongst the world’s safest countries in the 2012 Global Peace Index. Canada is a peaceful country that spends more on its health care system than on its armed forces. In 2011’s International Student Barometer (ISB) survey of students around the globe, Laurier scored 89% for student satisfaction in overall living and safety. (My Canadian University. Com)
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