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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2014-10-9 22:01:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
写简历几个步骤(NOC,Template, job posting, reviewing,etc.)
1)查职业分类: National OccupationalClassification (NOC)

2) 查劳工市场趋势和找到简历模板:调查最近招聘趋势,如果直接相关的职位走下坡趋势,可以试试相近职位。可以上网,到图书馆或求职培训机构获取相关信息。



CoverLetter Format
Cover Letter Format
Source: http://jobsearch.about.com/od/co... coverlettsample.htm

Your Contact Information
City, State, Zip Code
Phone Number
Email Address


Employer Contact Information (if you have it)
City, State, Zip Code

Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name, (leave out if you don't have a contact)

Body of Cover Letter
The body of your cover letter lets the employer know what position you areapplying for, why the employer should select you for an interview, and how youwill follow-up.

First Paragraph
The first paragraph of your letter should include information on why you arewriting.
Mention the position you are applying for and where you found the job listing.Include the name of a mutual contact, if you have one.

Middle Paragraph(s)
The next section of your cover letter should describe what you have to offer theemployer. Mention specifically how your qualifications match the job you areapplying for. Remember, you are interpreting your resume, not repeating it.

Final Paragraph
Conclude your cover letter by thanking the employer for considering you for theposition. Include information on how you will follow-up.

Complimentary Close

Respectfully yours,


Handwritten Signature (for a mailed letter)

Typed Signature

ThankYou Letters samples
need more samples? http://jobsearch.about.com/od/th... /samplethankyou.htm

Writing a thank you note after an employment interview is a must! In fact, someemployers think less of those interviewees who fail to follow-up promptly.

Plan to send out your thank you letters as soon as possible (preferably within24 hours) after your interviews. If time is of the essence, it's appropriate tosend a thank you letter via email.

Here are thank you letter samples applicable to a variety of employment-relatedsituations. Take some time to edit the thank you letter you choose, so itreflects your personality and your interest in the new job.


Your Name
Your Address
Your City, State, Zip Code
Your Phone Number
Your Email


City, State, Zip Code

Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:

It was very enjoyable to speak with you about the assistant account executiveposition at the Smith Agency. The job, as you presented it, seems to be a verygood match for my skills and interests. The creative approach to accountmanagement that you described confirmed my desire to work with you.

In addition to my enthusiasm, I will bring to the position strong writingskills, assertiveness and the ability to encourage others to work cooperativelywith the department.My artistic background will help me to work with artists onstaff and provide me with an understanding of the visual aspects of our work.

I understand your need for administrative support. My detail orientation andorganizational skills will help to free you to deal with larger issues. Ineglected to mention during my interview that I had worked for two summers as atemporary office worker. This experience helped me to develop my secretarialand clerical skills.

I appreciate the time you took to interview me. I am very interested in workingfor you and look forward to hearing from you about this position.


Your Signature

Your Typed Name

SampleCover Letter - Business / Referral
Sample Cover Letter - Business /Referral

Your Name
Your Address
Your City, State, Zip Code
Your Phone Number
Your Email


Contact Name
Company Name
City, State, Zip Code

Dear Mr./Ms. LastName:

Please accept the attached resume for the position of Technical BusinessAnalyst as recently advertised on Monster.com. I've had the pleasure to reviewCompanyName's web site, and to speak with Jane Doe, a colleague at CompanyName,and am very enthusiastic about the position advertised. I believe that mycombination of technical skills, consulting experience, and businesssensibilities would serve CompanyName well in this position.

My foundation is as a developer, in multiple languages, on many platforms.Ifthe situation requires getting code done, I deliver high quality, clean,working code, quickly and correctly. I'm comfortable with structured code,databases, OO programming, and "specialty" languages such as might befound in workflow or business rules systems. I have every confidence that tothe extent the position requires actual coding, I can sling code with the best.

To the extent that the position requires analysis of business rules andprocesses, I have specific experience in two main areas that are closelyrelated. On the analysis side, I was the Product Manager for a large system. Inthat capacity I was responsible for extracting functional requirements from endusers, customers, marketing, etc., and translating those requirements intodetailed requirements. On the business rules side, as the Product Architect fora suite of enterprise systems I led the requirements definition and vendor andpartner review for a collaboration system that included a business rules enginecomponent. While I was not involved as a developer in these systems, I am quitefamiliar with this class of products and the salient features that define theirvalue.

On a more general level, I believe I bring the broad "soft" skillsyou can have confidence in with a candidate that will represent CompanyName toyour customers. I trust you would find me to be well-spoken, energetic, confident,and personable, the type of person on whom your customers will rely. I alsohave a wide breadth of experience of the type that gives you the versatility toplace me in a number of contexts with confidence that the level of excellenceyou expect will be met. In most situations technical decisions must be madewithin the context of larger business constraints. Throughout my career I havestrived to keep business issues in the forefront, be it as a developerimplementing a test framework to capture defects as early as possible, or asthe Product Manager for an enterprise system, allocating resources andprioritizing enhancements to meet strategic objectives. Focusing on businessimperatives is a core value of mine, one that I bring to every project on whichI work.

I greatly appreciate you taking the time to review my credentials andexperience. CompanyNames' blend of Business Strategy, Market Analysis, andInformation Technology is very exciting. I hope that you'll find my experience,interests, and character intriguing enough to warrant a face-to-face meeting,as I am confident that I could provide value to you and your customers as amember of your team.


FirstName LastName

Example of Reference List to Use in Addition to Your Resume
The following is a sample list of references to provide to employers uponrequest for a reference list. Don't include the reference list when you sendyour resume or list references on your resume. Rather, have your references ona separate page that you can give to employers when they ask for them.

Before including a reference on your list, make sure that you have requestedpermission to use that person as a reference. Be sure to include full contactinformation for each of references.

Sample Reference List:

Your Name
City, State Zip
Phone, Cell Phone

Reference List

Karen Smith
Human Resources Manager
ABC Company
City, State Zip

George Brown
XYZ Company
City, State Zip

Jane Dolan
Personnel Adminstrator
123 Company Address
City, State Zip

JobLetter 模板

(Date: ) June07,2006

To Whom It May Concern:

This is to confirm that Mr. (or Ms.) San Zhang is a full-time permanentemployee of ABC company in the position of Analytical Chemist in the QualityControl Department. His employment started on April 01, 2004, and his presentannual base salary is $30,000.

If you have any questions, or would like to verbally confirm this information,please do not hesitate (or feel free) to contact the undersigned.

Sincerely yours,

(signature needed here)

Mr. Si Li
Human Resources


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