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Kids Home Alone(独自一个人呆在家里的培训课程,针对9-11岁的小孩)









Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2015-10-4 21:16:29 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

女儿上周六上了home alone program (独自一个人呆在家里的培训课程,针对9-11岁的小孩),上的课还是蛮有用的。比如:放学后要直接回家,不能改变路程或半途停下来游玩。如果有人来接要 对上口令,对不上口令即使认识的人接也不能跟他走。进门前先看房子,如果大门敞开或者窗户玻璃破损,说明有情况,不能贸然进屋,可以到附近朋友或熟悉的邻 居家求救。正常进屋后,鼻子先闻闻看有没有烟味,如果烟味或其他异味很重,不能进屋。进屋后按照同父母预先商量好的计划,打电话或短信或其他方式报平安。 进屋后可以做作业等,尽量不上网,即使上网也不使用 聊天,防止陌生人套取个人资料或者行骗。如果肚子饿,只能取用简单的充饥食物,不能动用刀具等,不能用火柴。紧急情况分类及处理办法。同父母完成家庭计划:1)大家后报平安的方式,比如打电话给父亲或母亲,号码是什么。2)有人敲门,要不要理会?不必理会,即使外边声音太吵闹也不能开门去探究,应该打电话给父母3)电话铃响是接还是不接?不接任何陌生电话。4) 回到家后不能再外出,即使真要外出,需征得父母同意,告诉父母去向。5)烟雾报警器每个月检查并测试一次;6)发生火灾家庭集合处:前院?后院?其他地方?




Kids Home Alone? Follow These Safety Steps

Posted August 12, 2015                                                                                                                 
School bells are ringing in a new school year and across the country kids are returning to the classroom. For many of these kids, a return to school also means being home alone after school until their parents get home from work.
The American Red Cross has steps parents and children can take to make these after-school hours safer and less stressful.
The first thing parents need to decide is if their child is responsible enough to stay home alone. If not, other options include after-school child care, programs at schools and youth clubs, or enrolling the child in youth sports programs.
Whether a child is going to stay home alone should depend on the child’s maturity and comfort level. A general rule of thumb is that no child less than eight years of age should be left alone for any extended period of time.
If the child is going to go home after school, it’s a good idea to have them call to check in when they get home. For an older child, set ground rules about whether other kids can come over when the parents are absent, whether cooking is an option, whether they can leave the home. Other steps parents can take include:
Post an emergency phone list where the children can see it. Include 9-1-1, the parents work and cell numbers, numbers for neighbors, and the numbers for anyone else who is close and trusted.Practice an emergency plan with the child so they know what to do in case of fire, injury, or other emergencies. Write the plan down and make sure the child knows where it is.If children have approved access to smart phones or tablets, download the free Red Cross First Aid App so they’ll have instant access to expert advice for everyday emergencies. Download the Red Cross Emergency App on smart phones or tablets for adults and children. This app gives real-time weather alerts and safety information, including steps on what to do if the alert goes off. The “Family Safe” feature allows parents to check in with their children via text message to see if they are safe or need help.  Let children know where the flashlights are. Make sure that the batteries are fresh, and that the child knows how to use them. Remove or safely store in locked areas dangerous items like guns, knives, hand tools, power tools, razor blades, scissors, ammunition and other objects that can cause injury. Make sure potential poisons like detergents, polishes, pesticides, care-care fluids, lighter fluid and lamp oils are stored in locked cabinets or out of the reach of children.Make sure medicine is kept in a locked storage place or out of the reach of children.Install safety covers on all unused electrical outlets.Limit any cooking a young child can do. Make sure at least one approved smoke alarm is installed and operating on each level of the home.Limit the time the child spends in front of the television or computer. Caution them to not talk about being home alone on public web sites. Kids should be cautious about sharing information about their location when using chat rooms or posting on social networks. Consider enrolling older children in an online Red Cross babysitting course so they can learn first aid skills and how to care for younger family members. Babysitting Basics is geared towards children aged 11-15 while Advanced Child Care Training is well-suited for those aged 16 and up.
When talking to kids about being at home alone, parents should stress the following steps and post them somewhere to remind the child about what they should, or shouldn’t, do until mom or dad get home:
Lock the doors and if the home has an electronic security system, children should learn how to turn it on and have it on when home alone.Never open the door to strangers. Always check before opening the door to anyone, looking out through a peephole or window first.Never open the door to delivery people or service representatives. Ask delivery people to leave the package at the door or tell them to come back at another time. Service representatives, such as a TV cable installer, should have an appointment when an adult is home.Never tell someone on the telephone that the parents are not at home. Say something like “He or she is busy right now. Can I take a message?”Do not talk about being home alone on social media web sites. Kids should be cautious about sharing information about their location when using chat rooms or posting on social networks. Never leave the house without permission. If it’s okay to go outside, children should tell their parents where they are going, when they are leaving, and when they will return. If mom and dad are still at work, children should call them when they return home.Do not go outside to check out an unusual noise. If the noise worries the child, they should call their parents, an adult, or the police.Don’t talk to strangers. Do not have friends over to visit when your parents aren’t at home unless you have permission to do so. Do not let anyone inside who is using drugs or alcohol, even if you know them.If the child smells smoke or hears a fire or smoke alarm, they should get outside and ask a neighbor to call the fire department.

              Safety Tips for a Child Home Alone      http://www.kidsafefoundation.org/homephone/

                                                The most important part of the safety of your children is YOU, the parent/caregiver. It is important to practice these rules with children until they become habits. The safest children are those that receive Personal Safety Education and continue to practice the skills at home. The goal is to create confident “thinking” children who are able to act instinctively when a dangerous situation arises.
Young children should not answer the phone. There is no “right” age for a child to begin to answer the phone. When you feel confident that your child understands the following rules then he/she is able to answer the phone.
A child should:

      • Be able to let the answering machine pick up and read caller ID.
      • Be able to tell the caller, “My parents can’t come to the phone right now. May I take a message?”
      • Never tell the caller they are home alone.
  • Be able to tell their parent/caregiver right away about the phone call.

Home alone
Young children should not be left home alone. There is no “right” age for children to take on this responsibility. When you feel confident that your child understands the safety rules and would respond appropriately in an emergency then he/she is able to stay home alone.
A child should:
  • Know how and when to call 911.
  • Know never to answer the door.
  • Understand the plan of action – to call you and tell you that someone is at the door.
  • Know who to contact if you are not available.
  • Should know the safest route and possible safe houses on the way when walking to and from school.

A Parent should:
  • Practice skills with the child by playing the What if? Game.
  • Talk directly with your child about how they feel about staying home alone.
  • Create a schedule for child as to how to spend their time while home alone.


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Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2018-5-29 22:14:52 | 只看该作者
https://safetycoursesforkids.com ... -alone-safety-kids/
PA Day 孩子不上课的时候就可以参加培训。一般community center 社区中心有提供课程。
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