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如何写生意计划书:在加拿大开餐馆不容易 70%第一年倒闭-how to start+business plan









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发表于 2017-1-17 21:33:18 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
        加拿大广播公司的Chad Pawson报道说,在不列颠哥伦比亚省(BC),现在有很多餐馆在出售。报道说,在专门出售餐馆生意的网站Restaurant Business Broker (餐馆商业经纪人)上,目前列有295个上市销售的食品类生意,这些餐馆的售价,最高的150万加元,最低的还不到3 万加元。
        例如,在温哥华东区有家餐馆叫价$ 989,000,网站上写着;“不可失去的机会,安全的生意,持久的盈利”。
        70% 活不过一年
        Ian Tostenson 是“BC省餐馆和食品服务协会” ( B.C. Restaurant & Food Services Association)的总裁和首席执行官,他对有这么多的餐馆出售并不感到惊讶,他说,在BC全省,总共大约有1万2千家餐馆,在大温哥华地区有 6000 家餐馆左右。
        Ian Tostenson 表示,餐馆一般并不那么容易售出,要进入餐饮业,除了资金外,还必须具有一定的专业知识。
        他警告说,70%的餐馆在第一年倒闭,“夭折率” 非常高。
        Ian Tostenson表示,买下一个餐馆所花的钱其实只是一个开始。
        餐馆协会总裁 Ian Tostenson说,经营餐馆的一般预算规则是:食品成本占30%,人工成本占30%,酒品成本占10%,在交完了各种“苛捐杂税”后,餐馆的平均利润实际上不到 4%。
        为了帮助新业主进入BC省餐饮业,“BC省餐馆和食品服务协会”曾与省政府合作了一年,制作出一个餐馆业指南 –  The guide for people looking to get into the restaurant business

                                Starting a Restaurant in B.C.http://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/employment-business/business/managing-a-business/starting-a-business/starting-a-restaurant-in-bc
http://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov ... t-startup-guide.pdf

                                                        The Starting a Restaurant in B.C. online guide provides guidance on the requirements for starting a restaurant in British Columbia.

The guide is provided in approximate chronological order. However, it is important to start the process early and plan for delays, as timelines and requirements may vary by municipality, region, or season.
Each municipality in B.C. has specific requirements for opening a restaurant. To confirm the requirements in your area, contact your local municipality.
Quick Reference Guide
An infographic that illustrates the process of starting a restaurant, and approximately when to consider each step.
A printable checklist to help you keep track of your progress as you complete the steps required for starting a restaurant.


How To Write a Business Planhttp://smallbusinessbc.ca/article/how-write-a-business-plan/

                                                                                                                                                Business Planning                                                                        
                                                                                Planning for SuccessYou’ve no doubt heard the expression, “Failing to plan is planning to fail.”
Many entrepreneurs write a business plan only when they need to secure start-up financing. However, your plan is far more than a document for banks and investors to read; it’s an invaluable roadmap for launching and growing your business.
In order to put your business concept on paper, you need to think through and research the many factors that are needed to make sure your business is a success. With a plan, not only can you spot potential weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, your plan can help you make informed decisions about your venture before you commit yourself legally or financially.
Here, we’ve summarized the key sections that you’ll find in a business plan.
The Seven Key Sections of a Business Plan1. Executive summaryYour executive summary should be 1–2 pages long, and provide an overview of your business concept, key objectives of your business and your plan, ownership structure, management team, your product or service offering, target market(s), competitive advantages, marketing strategy, and a summary of your financial projections. Your executive summary should be written last, after you’ve written the rest of the plan; each paragraph should be a summary of the more detailed, related section of the plan.
2. Business OverviewIn your overview, include details regarding your business’s history, vision and/or mission, objectives, and your ownership structure.
3. Products and ServicesExpand upon your products and services, including features and benefits, competitive advantages, and, if marketing a product, how and where your products will be produced.
4. Industry overviewThe industry overview is your opportunity to demonstrate the viability of your business by discussing the size and growth of your industry, the key markets within your industry, how your customers will buy your products or services, and which markets you’ll be targeting.
5. Marketing StrategyHere you describe your target market segments, your competition, how you’ll differentiate your products or services, and your products’ or services’ unique selling proposition (USP).
  • Discuss product or service pricing and promotion, including how your promotional programs will appeal to each of your target market segments.
  • Provide a plan of traditional and guerrilla marketing tactics, such as tradeshows, press-magnet events, social media marketing (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, etc.), networking, and print, media, or online advertising. Include the cost associated with each tactic.
  • Describe how your products or services will be sold (e.g. storefront, online, wholesalers), and your target markets’ buying cycle.
6. Operations PlanProvide a profile of your management team, your human resources plan, your business location(s) and facilities, your production plan (if selling a product), and an overview of day-to-day operations.
7. Financial planSome believe this is the most important part of a plan – so much so, it’s worth dedicating up to 80% of your time to writing this section. You’ll need to show three years’ worth of projected financial statements, including income statements, pro-forma balance sheets, and monthly cash flow and annual cash flow statements. Summarize each statement into a few easy-to-understand sentences and put these in a cover page for the statements. Be sure to document all of the assumptions you used in forecasting your revenues and expenses.
Download the Small Business BC How to Write a Business Plan checklist and start planning for your business success.
Business Plan ResourcesHere are some resources to help you with your business plan:
Import / Export Business Registration Resources:
Business Plan Review:
Business Plan Guides:
Business Plan Writing:
Sample Business Plans:
Refer to our Business Planning Resources guide.
                                                                                                                Tagged → how to                                                                                                                                Related Articles:                                       


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