Affirmation words for family relationship 助于家庭关系的金玉良言

  1. Though I cannot control others’ reactions, I am in control of how I react to others
  2. We have a healthy, strong and loving relationship that is always improving.
  3. I am grateful for every member of my family.
  4. Everyday I give thanks to my family for the role they play in my life.
  5. I am a source of joy and happiness for my family.
  6. I am committed to maintaining a healthy relationship with my family.
  7. In this family, we build each other up, instead of tearing each other down.
  8. I take family drama in stride and focus on our love for each other instead.
  9. I will only speak loving words to all members of my family.
  10. I am sensitive to my family’s needs.

今天醒的比较早,随便看了一下伦敦华人网,看到里面有一个新闻说是52岁的一个华人男子杀害妻子留下一双年幼的儿女。我查了一下地址,这个位置还真就是我经常去散步的Jack Chambers Elementary School 小学附近。看的这个新闻我震惊,之后我就想,对于我们的家人呢,应该给她们无条件的爱,永恒的关怀,最温暖的语言,最无边的包容,不评判,不指责,多聆听。。。我们时常因为自己难于控制自己的情绪(比如小争吵,财务问题,孩子教育问题,对原生家庭的观点偏差等等),就会想甩锅亲人,把怒火烧到身边的亲人,或者喋喋不休地抱怨。。。当情绪风暴来临,两步走:1)先深呼吸,数数1到10,问问自己,我为什么生气,是我自己的什么需求没有得到满足?我对身边的亲人有什么样的期盼?站在对方的立场上,这些期盼合理吗?对于亲人的期盼,我们有用非暴力沟通里的技巧作四步(观察–感受–需求–请求)沟通吗?2)保持沉默,如果不能保持沉默,离开现场,等情绪恢复后再回到现场。心情回复回到现场不是急于给对方讲道理,而是耐心地倾听对方的心声,听听对方是怎么想的。古语的听字:聽:听的时候要用心(一心一意),要眼睛注视对方(十分即100%的眼神)。。。


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