1. Moisture control is very important. monitor and control 监控湿度是保养房子重要环节
2. furnace air filter change regularly, every two or three months
3. No salt touch foundation or any concrete 墙基四周和阳台都不能用盐巴
4. Glass door for shower bath avoiding water spray 喷淋房加玻璃门
5. Grease spray for garage door spring (prevent dusty)车库门顶部弹簧喷防锈液
6. Containment tray for washing machine 洗衣机底部房子托盘承接意外漏水
7. Carbon monoxide battery back up (existing monitor need power supply) for hall (could be placed on the second floor close to staircase)安装电池和电源双供电的烟雾和一氧化碳感应器
8. Place some glue around the bottom of the bar to avoid water damage during clean up with water 厨房吧台底部四周喷玻璃胶房子搞卫生的时候水渗入
9. 将房屋屋檐下水延长以防水浸泡墙基
10. 冬天将屋外水管里的水放完以免管子冻裂。
11. 房屋四周的排气管道保持通畅确保空气流通
12 如果没有开窗就开炉子气流外循环,保证空气清新
13 检查供暖出口和回风口,是否工作?