Category Archives: 神兽磨砺和成长过程

Thanks Fifi for SHAD card


Thank you for the thank you card you prepared at SHAD. Both mom and myself read the card many times. I really touched by the words from your heart. Parents will love you forever and no matter when / where you are. 

We missed you a lot but you had so busy schedule and we tried not to bother you too much. 

We are so happy to see that everything went so smoothly and successfully at SHAD. You are a kind of person can grow and survive under extreme stress. we were happy that we could arrive on time and view your wonderful show. I found that you smiled a lots that night and the smile on your face are deeply and sincerely from your heart. I like the status that night very much. You are freely and be yourself. Taking the dance you designed as an example, there are two layers: two couples first then all students joined. The dance lighted up everyone’s heart. I saw your leadership in the whole dance performance. We are proud of you!

I  know that you are sad and you are not satisfied with your current status. It is good that you noticed that you need change and improve yourself.  I also very happy to hear that you want to be happy and beautiful. Please keep these two goal in your mind and keep thinking some way to make it happen day by day. It won’t change in one day. Since you have mind in your heart, you can make it happen if you are willing. You will surprise us as you did before. 

Daddy is not trying to “control you”, instead, I want you can take care your mood and health. Only yourself can make you happy and healthy. Your happiness and health is my biggest wish.

As said before, I would like to thank you very much for making us reconsidering what we have done wrongly before as a parents and how we are going to improve in the future. Because of you, your mom and I started to learn psychology knowledge and learn to how to take our own mood and be a happy man. You let us know, family is more important than making money.  We are still taking coupling therapy and improving the intimacy relationship. 

We don’t know exactly how to make you happy, but we will try to don’t let you down (making you unhappy). Please let us know if you could do anything better. We both hope you will be more beautiful. You have your goal in your mind and we believe you can make it happy every day!!

Love you,

Daddy and Mom.

Qibin and Jingmin


2022年3月2号,本周星期五也就是后天是PA Day.女儿的同学约她去哈密尔顿的一个露天的溜冰场去溜冰。女儿从四年级到现在大概有七八年了,没溜过冰,她说她想去练习一下。我干紧抓住这个她想运动的机会,去帮找好溜冰鞋,查好哪个露天溜冰场,晚上有开。想了想就直接去downtown的那个溜冰场吧,那边灯光比较多。女儿本来还需要我来陪她玩,但是我找不到鞋子,后面她还是同意去了。没有溜多久她就出汗了,看她滑得非常的投入。我也非常的开心,大概玩了40分钟左右,然后我们就回来了,回家路上,她说以后要继续溜冰。从幼儿园开始学溜冰一直到小学三四年级也整整学了四年。基础还是在的,一上冰面就自由轻快。一直想方设法让她多参加户外的一些运动,没想到今天这么简单就实现了,真是太棒了。。。