
昨天在Brantford Civic Center 举办的溜冰表演非常棒,几乎所有的表演服装都是家长亲手缝制,翔宇和 思晨的表演时段不长,但也很精彩。同时还欣赏了这两年加拿大花样滑冰冠军和奥运会银牌得主的溜冰表演。我们家两个小朋友还同她签名合影呢。


每周星期六都忙,一大早女儿游泳,然后是儿子和女儿分别不同地点打篮球,下午是两个孩子不同时间段溜冰。这周难得溜冰课取消,游泳课是最后一堂课属自由活动。一大早收拾好到游泳馆接了女儿便直奔Chicopee滑雪场。11点左右开始滑,人也不多。今天收获很大,同事带着女儿滑遍所有的雪道,从蓝色more difficult 到黑色most difficult. 我没有想到女儿第三次滑雪就进步 神速(上回还在初学阶段)。儿子也很神奇,以前在初学者经常摔跤且哼唧要帮忙扶起来。今天偶尔摔交但是拒绝帮助要自己起来。几个小时下来,他也把所有的标记为蓝色的较难雪道都滑遍。很快就可以达到女儿的水平了。太太也不赖,在蓝色标记的雪道上游刃有余。我滑了8年的雪,第一次这么开心看到滑雪变成全家人都热爱的运动,看到他们都喜欢新的挑战。今年的冬天有望全家到南山泡温泉滑雪了。

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萧煌奇 你是我的眼


my mood, I control – positive, tolerance, patient and optimistic

Life is a tough journey companying with joys as well as pains. It is better to self review and inspire ourselves at some certain point, especially whenever you might suffer from misunderstanding, negative self-imaging. Below are some principles could be applied for effective self-examination: 

First and foremost, building strong trust is essential to maintain and strengthen friendships. Even though you feel that your friends are negatively ignoring you or disliking you, but you still need to believe in your friends. Your friends would be appreciated if you could tolerance his or her mistake/careless/indifference.  

Secondly, always do remember to be positive and optimistic. Any negative thoughts from your heart will deliver to lovers nearby, which make them sad or bored. Nobody likes a surprising chilly and gusty day. Instead, a warm and sunny day is always welcome. Be polite and respectful to friends though you are very familiar since you might hurt your friends ‘ feeling due to improper words or action. 

It is undoubted that it is easier to say than do it. It could be very difficult to calm yourself down or cheer yourself up from a negative mood (eg. sadness, anger).  Such sadness or anger normally triggered by some tiny things for no reason.   Please read above paragraph each time when you are down.



Company CEO email

At the end of the email, CEO Wrote some information as below:

· Be better …in your work. Think creatively, be efficient and effective in all that you do, and get the details right.

 Be better …with your co-workers. Support each other, communicate openly and effectively, find new ways to improve your performance, and care about them as people.

 Be better …with our customers. Always remember their importance in the quality of your work, how you communicate and how you add value to our products and services.

 Be better …in your community. Give of your time when and where you can and help make better the lives of those whom you touch.

 Be better …to yourself. Take care of yourself. Try at all times to be optimistic and commit to being all that you can be.


Feb14, 2015
2015-02-14 11.19.01


今天一天上班都很忐忑,原因是想着下班的时候要告诉女儿其他小朋友都去大狼屋水上乐园 big wolf water park (Niagara Falls) 就她不能去,她听到这样的消息得多么伤心啊。
校车接了女儿,再从after school program 接上儿子,送他去溜冰,等儿子上冰场后,我对女儿说,今天你会对我发疯的mad on me。Why (为什么呢)?她很认真地问我。我就告诉她她没有办法同其他小朋友一道去水上乐园玩的消息,她的泪水马上涌了出来,轻声哽咽问道:为什么?。 我就解释说,他们计划这个星期天去那里住一个晚上,可以我们星期天要送外婆上飞机。最糟糕的是你要旷课一天,爸爸要请假旷工一天,而且星期一晚上的游泳课也要耽误。。。她静静地听着,我又接着说,你一直都满勤上课,从不无故旷课,还拿过满勤奖状。“除了生病之外”她在一边补充。听完一顿解释,她停住了哭声,“那我们是不是可以换个时间去呢”她问道。当然,我满口答应。我问她为了去水上乐园玩而请假是不是不太好,她大幅点头同意。想我三年级离家开始当寄校生,一直没有旷课过(乡下地方,下课玩石头泥巴就是享受了)。可能也是我一直怕老师,怕违规犯错,我是我们那个小学两个班唯一考上大学的农民孩子。我也希望孩子们遵守条条框框,讲原则办实事。
